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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What investing is

When it comes down to it, investing is more about seeing the future from the present before it actually happens and taking a position in that direction. From the perspective of the present, this is what is commonly referred to as risk.

Arguably, risk is a dividing factor between seasoned investors and beginners. Succeeding in investing is more than being lucky, intellectual arrogance, or a shot in the dark. While there are openings for the hope that parameters will turn in one's favour, it is nonetheless better to know as much information about an investment as possible. They include;

1. Personal comfort with investment type

2. Management ability

3. Level of disposable cash available

4. Personal income targets
Investing has benefits known and desired by all, but they also have their drawbacks. Assessing these will improve one's investing skill level significantly.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The New Rules of Networking

 By career coach Barbara Safani and résumé expert Louise Fletcher tell you how to make the most of your contacts in the modern marketplace

1. Join LinkedIn, which will allow you to connect with current and former associates—and their networks, too. "At this point, if you're not on LinkedIn, people wonder why," says Safani. (Bonus: Recruiters often use it as a database.)

2. Request information, not a job. "When you ask for a job, there is a yes or no answer," says Safani, "and it can feel like you're begging." Instead, explain exactly what you want and inquire about others who might be good for you to talk to. "Or pick their brain about the industry; that can be flattering."

3. Be on-message all the time. Prepare a succinct, compelling pitch about what you're looking for and why you're qualified. Then keep this message consistent in your résumé, your online profiles, and your conversations. Never say, "I'll take anything." If you do, people won't know how to help you.

4. Be helpful to others. "Networking isn't just something you do when you're looking for a job," says Fletcher. "If you help people out whenever you can, those favors will come back to you when you need them."